Organic Farming

  The dawn of agriculture began thus modestly one seed and species at a time. Agriculture and the taming of all-things-wild spread like a bushfire transforming human culture and the landscape. The very biodiversity of the planet was in peril as agriculture took hold and it’s taken us quite some time to look back. The […]

Biodiversity: Past and Future in Organic Farming

By Civil Eats BY ELIZABETH GROSSMAN Is organic food better for us? A growing number of scientific studies suggest that it is. And now, the latest evidence to support this claim is a new report from the European Parliament, written by scientists at universities across Europe, including one who is also a professor at Harvard. The […]

Can Organic Food Prevent a Public Health Crisis?

n 2010 Eosta sold the first boxes of organic sweet potatoes from the USA to Dutch health food stores; in 2017 the organic tubers, now coming from six different countries, are transported by the truckload to major retail chains such as ICA in Sweden and REWE in Germany, marked with Natural Branding laser tattoos. International […]

Organic sweet potatoes take off in Europe

Americans love to eat. Each person devours, on average, 1,996 lbs – or nearly a ton – of food per year. The enormous effort to satisfy that big appetite creates significant environmental impacts, from fertilizers leaching into our water supplies and overfishing to massive die-offs of bees from pesticides and habitat loss. Our eating habits […]

Will 2017 be the year we get serious about sustainable ...

Five years ago, when Lankenau Medical Center was confronted with evidence that it was serving the unhealthiest county in Pennsylvania, the hospital decided to embrace the findings with an unconventional approach: building a half-acre organic farm on its campus to provide fresh produce to patients. The teaching and research hospital just outside Philadelphia was in […]

This Hospital Prescribes Fresh Food From Its Own Organic Farm

The Qatari government encourages local farmers to use innovative agricultural methods to boost production as well as provides support to promote organic farming in Qatar’s agricultural industry, said an expert. “The government is encouraging new ways to boost production of farms like hydroponics. Farmers who use hydroponics, for example, can take loan from the government […]

Qatar props up organic farming

The Benefits Of Storage Grain In Steel Silos     Most often, grain is stored in warehouses and there is nothing wrong about it. Warehouses can store the grain according to your particular requirements and follow all the necessary procedures to protect the grain for long periods of time. However, steel silos to store grain […]

The Benefits Of Storage Grain In Steel Silos