The topic about organic crops is extremely sensitive and we want to attach the appropriate importance in order to make readers understand our idea, hence the idea of the farm in its entirety.

We do NOT deal with organic crops for speculative purposes, we do it because of our responsibility to the generations, because of the sustainability of the environment and as a gesture of love and consideration of our children.

Dealing with organic farming for us means to make a choice about the production methods (free of pesticides, chemical herbicides and fertilizers) but also we to orientate towards a relationship with the LAND in which the dominant value is not just the profit derived from the exploitation of the natural resources.

Together with a fair compensation of our work we have placed other values of great significance: preserving soil fertility, preserving beneficial insects, preserving the agricultural environment pure and free of contaminations throughout – from the land to the plant and its fruits, thus making our business healthy for us, for those who consume our products and for the future generations who also have the right to enjoy nature’s beauty and abundance like we do.

Organic foods are produced in harmony with nature. This means natural growth instead of mass production as well as strict rejection of using gene technologies. This is why the yield of organic farming holdings is at least 20-30% lower than the yield of conventional holdings.
